LEMONG – Potensi wisata yang berlokasi di sejumlah pantai Kecamatan Lemong Kabupaten Lambar, seperti sepanjang pantai Pekon Lemong , pantai Pekon Way batang dan Pekon Tanjungjati merupakan wisata yang sangat menakjubkan, disana kita akan dimanjakan dengan berselancar, mancing mania yang sangat bagus, mungkin sebagian orang belum mengetahui hal tersebut.
Selain pantai terdapat tempat wisata alam, sepeti air terjun, pendakian gunung, yang indah dan ada lagi berbagai wisata alam lainya
Pasalnya, beberapa potensi wisata yang ada menarik minat para wisata lokal dan asing dan perhatian para pengunjung untuk berlibur ke daerah setempat, seperti batu Ular dan batu Meranyu dan pantai pasir putih, dibaringi dengan masyarkat yang ramah .
Karena dengan adanya wisata itu para wisatawan akan dimanjakan dengan keindahan alam dan lautan dan bisa menikmati masakan kahas daerah tersebut . kedatangan para pengunjung ke lokasi wisata ini umumnya untuk menikmati keindahan dan keunikkan batu tiang,batu Ular , batu Meranyu dan pantai dengan pasir putih.
Bagi anda pelancong, wisatawan baik lokal maupun mancanegara patut mengunjungi daerah ini di Pekon Lemong, Kecc. Lemong, Lampung Barat-Indonesia , Hub. Rumah Makan Sudi Mampir Way Halami Lemong Call / SMS 081279288830
LEMONG - tourism potential which is located in a coastal district District Lemongunderlayer, such as Pekon Lemong along the coast, beach bars and Pekon PekonTanjungjati Way is an amazing tour, where we will be pampered with surfing, fishingmania is very good, maybe some people do not know about it.
Besides the natural attractions of the beach there, a case of waterfalls, mountain climbing, there are more beautiful and various other natural attractions
The reason, some of the existing tourism potential to attract local and foreign tourist andthe attention of visitors to vacation in the local area, such as rocks and stones MeranyuSnakes and white sand beaches, dibaringi with a friendly community.
Due to the presence of tourists that travel will be spoiled with natural beauty and seaand can enjoy the cuisine kahas area. the arrival of visitors to tourist sites are generallyto enjoy the beauty and keunikkan stone pillars, stone snake, Meranyu rock and white sand beaches.
For you travelers, both local and foreign tourists should visit this area in Pekon Lemong,Kecc. Lemong, West Lampung, Indonesia, Hub. Rumah Makan Sudi Mampir Way Halami Lemong-Call / SMS 081279288830
Besides the natural attractions of the beach there, a case of waterfalls, mountain climbing, there are more beautiful and various other natural attractions
The reason, some of the existing tourism potential to attract local and foreign tourist andthe attention of visitors to vacation in the local area, such as rocks and stones MeranyuSnakes and white sand beaches, dibaringi with a friendly community.
Due to the presence of tourists that travel will be spoiled with natural beauty and seaand can enjoy the cuisine kahas area. the arrival of visitors to tourist sites are generallyto enjoy the beauty and keunikkan stone pillars, stone snake, Meranyu rock and white sand beaches.
For you travelers, both local and foreign tourists should visit this area in Pekon Lemong,Kecc. Lemong, West Lampung, Indonesia, Hub. Rumah Makan Sudi Mampir Way Halami Lemong-Call / SMS 081279288830
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